Blog about everything to do with fruits and Vegetables with different types and benefits needed for human life

Monday, July 16, 2018

Is A Cucumber A Fruit

Are Cucumbers A Fruit Or A Vegetable?

Cucumbers with tomato is a fruit that is often referred to as a vegetable. In a previous article I wrote about whether fruit or vegetable, including tomatoes I have explained that according to the science of Botany that studies of fruits and crops in some references that include this type of fruit is the part resulting from fertilization of the Stamen and pistil on a flower. While the vegetables are another part of the plant that can be consumed as is, leaves, stems and roots. 

Is A Cucumber A Fruit

In addition, there is the category of fruit seeds in it, although the way berkembangbiaknya do not have to use the seeds. 

Time picking the fruit is usually harvested before the fruit become ripe, but taken before the yellow in the fresh State salad or fruit freshener. 

Is A Cucumber A Fruit 1
The moisture content is pretty much on cucumber fruit makes this famous fruit nearly all around the world that serve as air Agency. Pieces of cucumber fruit are also used to help moisturize the face as well as many believed can lower high blood pressure.  

Cucumber has a tree that propagate with the life cycle after flowering and fruiting plants will die then so this plant is annuals.  

The fruit is green when young with an array - array of yellowish white. The more fruit, ripe fruit beyond the color changed to pale green to white. Elongated fruit shape like a torpedo. The flesh of the fruit development of section mesokarp, pale yellow to bright orange. The fruit is harvested when still half cooked and the seeds are not yet ripe physiology. Ripe fruit is usually harvested seeds, dries and the color is black. 

Cucumber has lots avail Because the cucumber has diuretic properties, the cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. High water content; vitamins A, B, and C; as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make a cucumber become an important part of skin care. Face mask containing cucumber juice is used to tighten the skin. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in cucumber can lower the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

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