Table of the pH levels of fruit and vegetables
pH is the amount of dissolved hydrogen ion concentration of solution. Measurements of the pH (potential hydrogen) would clarify whether a solution is acidic or alkaline. If the liquid has a number of acid and alkaline molecules that balanced then considered neutral liquid pH level.
If we look at food and beverage table below, almost all that we consume everyday are acidic. Foods that are alkaline more found on fresh fruits and vegetables raw.
If we look at food and beverage table below, almost all that we consume everyday are acidic. Foods that are alkaline more found on fresh fruits and vegetables raw.
The list of fruits and vegetables that have a pH level 8 is:
Apple, Almond, Avocado, Tomato, Fresh corn, Mushroom, Horseradish olives, Soy beans, Paprika, Kelembak, Pineapple, Cheri, Millet, Wild rice, Strawberry, Apricot, Melon Orange, Melon, Peach, Mandarin, Pomelo, BananaThe list of fruits and vegetables that have a pH level 9 is:
Olive oil, Lettuce, Borage oil, Zucchini, Sweet potatoes, Peas, Sprouted grain, Eggplant raw, Cambah alfala, Green beans raw, Blueberry, Pear, Mango, Papaya, Figs and dates, Orange sunkist, Raisins, Kiwi wine, Green tea, Breast milk
The list of fruits and vegetables that have a pH level 10 is:
Raw spinach, Raw broccoli, Arthichoke, Cambah brussels, Raw cabbage, Raw celery, Parsley, Cauliflower, Carrot, Potato skins, Grass alfala, Cucumber, Watermelon, Garlic, Mustard greens, Seaweed, Asparagus, Lemon, Lime
PH levels of fruit and vegetables with pictures
Ph Levels Of Fruits And Vegetables