Blog about everything to do with fruits and Vegetables with different types and benefits needed for human life

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Fruits And Vegetables Nutrients And Vitamins Chart

Nutrition also called nutrients. Nutrients are substances in food that are needed for the organism can grow and develop properly in accordance with their functions. Nutrients in food breakdown of the results obtained by the digestive system. and often called by the term sari-sari food. Nutrients are divided into 2 groups, i.e. macronutrients and mikronutrisi.
Fruits And Vegetables Nutrients And Vitamins

Macronutrients are nutrients that are in need of the body in large numbers and usually serves as a source of energy. That includes the macronutrients are:
  • Carbohydrates. examples of food sources of carbohydrates: rice, wheat, cassava, potatoes, etc.
  • Protein. Examples of food protein source: milk, eggs, meat, fish, kacangkacangan, etc.
  • Fat. Examples of food sources of fats: milk, egg, nuts, coconut, etc.

Mikronutrisi is the nutrition your body needs in the least amount of work to support and metabolic processes of the body. It contains the mikronutrisi is:
  • Vitamins. Examples of food sources of vitamins: fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Minerals. Examples of food sources minderal: fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Water. Water found in true form or in all types of foodstuffs even though in concentrations slightly.

Although almost all types of food contain at least 1 or all types of macronutrients, but not all food contains mikronutrisi. Therefore these two types of food are to be in the mix to get the nutrients needed body. Nutrisis sufficient and in compliance with the requirements would provide energy for the body to be able to grow and develop as well as repair of damaged tissue.

Malnutrition will make organisms do not grow and develop in accordance with its destiny, can even cause illness to end with death. Disruption of the body's metabolic processes is an early symptom of lack nutrition. 

Nutrients have important functions among each other mutual support and work together to keep so that the body can obtain supplies needed. Some types of nutrients can be a Chair for more. Although this is not recommended by health experts. Nutritional needs must be supplied by the nutrients in question. To avoid things that are not in want. The following are some of the functions of nutrients to the body.

The function of Nutrients are:
  • Source of energy
  • Advocates and regulatory metabolic processes
  • Maintain balance metabolism
  • Shaper body tissue cells
  • Repair damaged cells
  • Maintaining the functions of the organs of the body, etc.

Fruits And Vegetables Nutrients And Vitamins

Vegetables are plant parts consumed along with food. Plant parts consumed can be part of the leaves, roots, stems, and fruit of young. On the leaves, water and mineral composition is very high but contain little energy. Part of the root and seeds contain starch and high energy. Vegetables to plant in horticulture. These plants have aged less than 1 year. Some variation on the Greens (color, the fragrance, taste, violence and so on) makes an increase in appetite. Vegetables are a source of fiber, vitamins A and C and minerals needed by the body.

Mixed vegetable compositions influenced by varieties of vegetables, weather, maintenance, how to harvest, and so on. The main composition on vegetables is water and minerals (70%-90%). Protein content and very little fat except on Pawpaw leaves and cassava leaves that have protein levels 5%-6%. The content of carbohydrates in vegetables shaped like starch, cellulose (indigestible body), and sugar. At the plant the potatoes, potatoes have a high starch content and it would be sweeter if placed in low temperatures.

Nutritional composition on vegetables vary depending how planting and how to harvest the vegetables. Note the following table:

Vegetable Nutrients Table

Kinds Of Vegetables: Water (%)  Protein (%) Fat (%) KH (%)
Spinach 86.9 3.5 0.5 0.5
Fresh Red Chillies 90.0 1.0 0.3 7.3
Papaya Leaves 75.4 8.0 2.0 11.9
Cassava Leaves 77.2 6.8 1.2 13.0
Corn 63.5 4.1 1.3 30.3
Mushrooms 93.7 3.8 0.6 0.9
Fresh Ear 92.4 2.9 0.2 4.1
Mung Bean Sprouts 81.0 9.0 2.6 6.4
Soy Bean Sprouts 77.8 2.0 0.1 19.1

From the table above we can analyze that the highest water content owned by fresh Ear Fungus, most protein content owned by papaya leaves, fat content is terbanyaka toge soy beans, and the highest content of carbohydrates are potatoes.

In addition to the above, the nutrient content of vegetables have vitamin and mineral composition. There are a lot of vitamin A in carrots, vitamin C contained in tomatoes and vitamin B1 is also found in other types of vegetables. Mineral content contained in vegetables are Fe and Ca. Processing of vegetable soup should be done well and properly so that the content of minerals and vitamins are not damaged, such as vitamin C has the trait is easily oxidized and will be easily damaged if you experience high temperature and light.

Fruits And Vegetables Nutrients And Vitamins Chart

Types of vegetables Calsium (mg) Fosfor (mg)Iron (mg) Vit.A (mg) Vit.B1 (mg) Vit.B2 (mg) Niancin (mg) Vit.C (mg)
Cauliflower 30 58 1.0 92 0.07 0.08 0.7 72
Broccoli 86 88 1.4 1142 0.14 0.14 0.9 111
Brussels Sprouts 40 74 1.4 83 0.16 0.13 0.5 71

Khol-Rabbi 41 51 0.5 20 0.06 0.04 0.3 66
Okra 90 47 1.0 233 0.07 0.08 0.8 18
Carrots 60 28 1.7 18520 0.04 0.04 0.2 11
Cucumber 25 27 1.1 250 0.03 0.73 0.2 11
Horseradish 297 90 3.6 14758 0.20 0.12 3.4 167
Cress 56 34 2.1 3392 0.06 0.09 0.5 17
Bamboo Shoot 17 47 0.9 25 0.11 0.30 0.6 9
White Asparagus 25 84 0.9 50 0.16 0.18 3.0 10
Green Asparagus 16 59 1.4 633 0.15 0.03 1.8 20
Radish 32 34 1.4
0.04 0.33 0.4 26
Mushrooms 7 67 1.7
0.12 0.14 9.1 2
Sprouts 51 31 3.3 6538 0.02 0.14
Caisin 192 58 2.4 2000 0.04 0.14 0.51 40
Papaya flowers 290 113 4.2

Spinach 500 100 21.4 6750 0.03 0.10 0.9 173

Based on the type of vegetable, the form above:

1. Leaves

These types of vegetables have a high cellulose and water content, energy content and low in protein, vitamins and minerals contained in these vegetables are very helpful in meeting human needs, rich in iron, vitamin A and some vitamin B1, and vitamin C has.
Examples of vegetables that are included in this type are spinach, watercress, fern, water convolvulus, sauropus androgynus, lettuces, cabbages, and so on.

2. Flowers, shoots, umbat, and Rod

Characteristics of these vegetables is to have a high water content, contain cellulose which is normal, the protein content slightly, have levels of calcium are, and some vegetables have a high content of provitamin A.
Examples: broccoli, Asparagus, celery, cauliflower, etc.

3. Fruit

Characteristics of fruit vegetables moisture content is high, high levels of cellulose, vitamins that are high, but the low levels of the mineral.
Example: tomato, cucumber, eggplant, and so on.

4. Seed or Polongnya

What distinguishes this type differs with the type of vegetables this is the content of cellulose at low, low moisture content, protein content, a hefty vitamin B complex which is passable, and contains iron.
Example: long beans, koro, beans, and baby corn.

5. Tuber

The carbohydrate content of fair, high water levels, glucose, fructose, contains minerals and vitamins low to make this type of vegetable is different from the others. Tuber diet consumption became the choice because it has a low vitamin and mineral.
Example: carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, and a bit cilembu.

6. The Flavoring/Spices

Flavoring is intended to let cuisine become more tasty and interesting.
Example: Chili, galangal, ginger, and turmeric.

The interesting thing from a vegetable is the color of the vegetable. Causes of colors on vegetables is due to the pigment. Pigment in plants is divided into:

1. Chlorophyll

These pigments will produce the green color in plants. Chlorophyll is used as tools to do anabolism in plants. This determines the freshness of the green color in plants (except for a few plants such as carrots). But different on the potatoes. At the beginning of the harvest, the potatoes are not green. However, once exposed to sunlight, chlorophyll is formed and the potatoes become green. Green color on potatoes is very toxic (Solonin). These toxins have a bitter taste and it is difficult to be eliminated. The normal solonin is 0.01-0.10% of the weight of the tuber. If so, it will be toxic.

2. Carotenoids

Carotenoids are subdivided into:
• Beta-carotene-> absence of oxygen in the molecule-> Orange-carrot-> > affects the content of proVitamin A-> easily oxidized so that changes color
• Xantofil-> there are oxygen atoms on the molecule-kunging-colored > > corn
• Likopen-red-> > tomatoes
• Krosetin – orange-yellow colored > > turmeric

3. Flavonoids

Any flavonoids are divided into:
Have a purple, blue, and red. The deciding factor is the color of the pigment concentration, pH, and other pigments. If high levels of anthocyanin, the purple color will be formed then blackish. If the level is low then will form the color purple. If the pH levels are high, will form the color white. If the neutral pH levels, it will be formed in blue. If the pH levels are low, the red color will be formed.
• Antoxantin
The colors are formed from antoxantin is the color of yellow and white. Generally found on the onions and potatoes. If the pH > = 8 then will form the color yellow. If the pH is 6, then the < will form white or colorless.
• Tannin
These pigments are colorless and consists of kathekin and leukoantosianin. Rarely found in vegetables but rich in fruits such as apples, bananas, and salak.

So a short article about the list contents of nutrients in the fruits and vegetables that are summarized from several sources, hopefully can be a reference and provide benefits.

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