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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

When Do Fig Trees Bear Fruit

When Do Fig Trees Bear Fruit
The fig tree can thrive without special care. At the age of six months, this Middle Eastern origin plants can bear fruit. Fruit production will continue to increase with the age of the tree. The fig tree also bear fruit throughout the year.

Fig or the fig growing not only in the region of the Middle East. In mainland Europe, Mediterranean to Asia, this plant thrives. In Europe, figs are more popular as fruits Besides has many benefits for the health of the body, the figs are also tasty consumed. At a glance, fruity flavor and aroma similar to guava guava or kelutuk. The aroma is fragrant, tender texture, and not too sweet. But, the fruit that has a lot of seeds also contain less water.

The young figs colored green. The more mature or old, the color of his skin would turn into blackish purple. Young fig usually used as processed vegetables or cooked with meat. As mixed salad is also okay.
If it is old and mature, very tasty Fig is consumed directly or made into juice. It could also be as mixed content, the content of pudding cake, candied or dried, combined with sirop. The high content of pectin in the fruit, are also suitable if anyone wants to offer it as a raw material for Jam, jelly or marmalade.

One of them, Jordan Purple type of fig tree much sought buyers. There is also a type of fig Negrone developed in France. Negrone was taken from the name of district there.
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Plant a fig tree, is quite easy, because it does not require special care. Simply planting in a pot that has already given the fertilizer, then doused with water on a regular basis. How to plant it is almost similar to that of guava,

However, if you want maximum results, can diasupi an additional fertilizer, such as Gandasil or KNO3, every single month.

In addition to the easy planting, another advantage, the fig tree can be harvested in time relatively quickly. When she was six months old, this plant is already bearing fruit. There is even a kind of Fig can bear fruit faster again, only two months. A maximum age of six months already fruitful.
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The hallmarks of the fig tree is, its ability to produce fruit year-round alias does not depend on a particular season. Handa said, when the one-year-old fig tree, the fruit production about two kilograms (kg). And, when he reached two years of age, a fruit that can be harvested increased to around 5 kg. Getting older, the production of the fruit is growing a lot.

But because it comes from the Middle East, the fig tree prefers a habitat with a hot experience. Hence, the rainy season, the production of figs thus decreased.

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