Avocado Oil Uses For Hair - Our hair has a protective skin called cuticle, cuticle protecting the exterior of our hair lining the cortex and serves to keep the hair stick to glow. Healthy hair cuticles will reflect light that exposed it and reduce the friction between the hair strands with a smooth surface. The outer layer of the hair consists of 6 to 8 layers of cells are coated and protected by an invisible layer, such as lipid layer that acts as a natural Moisturiser and is waterproof. Scientists call it the F-layer. This fatty acid layer naturally make hair smooth and soft.
Layer the hair cuticle healthy can be damaged by excessive heat from a hair dryer and also how to comb. When you are drying your hair with a blow dry, position the tool approximately 5 inch to avoid excessive heat right down to the hair.
Avoid combing the hair too often because it can damage the coating of the hair using a comb, let alone meeting which will add friction to the hair.
Layer the hair cuticle healthy can be damaged by excessive heat from a hair dryer and also how to comb. When you are drying your hair with a blow dry, position the tool approximately 5 inch to avoid excessive heat right down to the hair.
Avoid combing the hair too often because it can damage the coating of the hair using a comb, let alone meeting which will add friction to the hair.
Avocado Oil Good For Hair
The avocado fruit is green while still young or already ripe. The fruit has a very soft meat has many benefits for human health. Very soft flesh of the fruit makes a lot of people use it to make joint juice chocolate milk cream which was very delicious for the summer.
In addition to processed into juice turns out avocados can also be processed into oil. Avocado oil is widely used for the manufacture of beauty products. Avocado oil is produced from the extraction or filtering of the avocado fruit produce essential oils such as olive oil.
With the content of essential oil, avocado oil is great to use for hair care starts from the roots to the ends of the hair. Avocado oil can give you softness on the outermost layer of hair with natural moisture which makes the cells in the hair cells to be fresh for a longer period, so that the outer surface of a smooth hair will reduce the friction that occurs between the hair.
That's Avocado Oil Uses For Hair, hopefully helpful.